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Online medicine orders by over 50L customers
Buy medicine online & avail COD
3-step quality checks with PharmEasy’s online medicine app
Online medicine delivery across 19000+ pincodes in India
Online medicine orders by over 50L customers
Buy medicine online & avail COD
3-step quality checks with PharmEasy’s online medicine app
Online medicine delivery across 19000+ pincodes in India
Online medicine orders by over 50L customers
Buy medicine online & avail COD

Online Medicine Delivery in Mysore

PharmEasy has introduced online medicine delivery in Mysore, which has been embraced by the people here with great eagerness. People of this city, familiar with the internet and advanced technology, always prefer online delivery. It is easily manageable and, most importantly, saves a lot of time. People rely on hassle-free, fast online delivery when they need to buy medicines in their busy lives.PharmEasy is well prepared to meet all your needs. From now on, there is no need to waste time and go to any pharmacy outside for medicines. You can place orders from the comfort of your home through the PharmEasy app or by visiting the website. Mysore's impeccable infrastructure and connectivity will make the delivery reach your address in a very short time.

Get your Medicine Order with On-Time Delivery in Mysore

PharmEasy always takes great care in stocking top-grade medicines, and they are thoroughly quality checked. The main goal is to protect your health. This online pharmacy has more than 1 lakh medicinal products of various categories. Its vast inventory includes branded and generic medicines with prescription medicines, over-the-counter medicines and a vast assortment of healthcare products. You can pick and choose all the medicines you need from one place.Some are hesitant about monetary transactions in online purchase. PharmEasy guarantees that your transaction will be safe. Rest assured that your bank details will remain confidential. Here, the customer support team is at your service round the clock. For more information about your order or PharmEasy online medicine delivery, please call at 7666100300 or send an email to

On-Time Delivery

At times of medical emergency, long waits can aggravate health. Similarly, missing a dose of the medicine that you take to manage a disorder because your order didn't arrive quickly is also harmful. That is why PharmEasy delivers your order within 1-7 business days and in most cases, sooner than the promised time.

Biggest Discounts and Offers

Because inflation is making the price of everything shoot up, even medicines are becoming very expensive. And when people have to buy many medicines and healthcare products over a long period of time, medical bills become challenging. So PharmEasy offers discounts to help slash prices. You can check out PharmEasy PLUS which removes delivery charges and gives a 5% discount!

Serving over 22K+ Pincodes

PharmEasy firmly believes that everyone has the right to quality medicines. That is why it operates in 1000 cities across India and covers 22000 pincodes. No matter where you are, if your pin code is served by PharmEasy, you can avail of its services and get your hands on top grade, authentic products. Download the app and get started.

25M+ Registered Users

PharmEasy has gained a lot of trust because of its dedication to providing top notch medicines at affordable prices to people. It delivers on time as well. Naturally, more and more people are beginning to realise why it's beneficial to use PharmEasy. Currently, 25 million registered users get their medicines from PharmEasy. You can become a user too by creating an account.

Frequently asked questions from our Mysore customers

Is online medicine delivery service by PharmEasy available in Mysore?

Yes, Mysore, with all its pin code areas, is one of the 1000 cities where PharmEasy’s services are available. Just visit the website and start buying your medicines from PharmEasy wherever in Mysore you live.

What are the perks of buying medicines online from PharmEasy in Mysore?

When you buy medicines from PharmEasy, you can avoid going out to pharmacies to buy them. You can buy whatever you need from the comfort of your home. You will also get discounts.

Is it safe to order medicines from PharmEasy in Mysore?

Yes, PharmEasy promises both security and high quality. It scans every product to see if it is genuine and of good quality. It also ensures that payments are made through encrypted channels so that your personal details are kept secure.

Can I buy prescription medicines through PharmEasy in Mysore?

Prescription medicines can be bought through PharmEasy. But you must upload a recent signed prescription from your doctor. This will be needed by our pharmacists to prepare your order.

How soon will my medicines reach me in Mysore if I order them through PharmEasy?

PharmEasy understands the need for speedy delivery and its impact on your health. So it ensures that your order reaches you within 7 business days or earlier than that.

Will I get free online delivery of medicines in Mysore if I use the PharmEasy app?

If you have to buy medicines from PharmEasy frequently, you can opt for the PLUS membership. You will get free delivery as well as 5% discounts on all orders.
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