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10 Best Foods To Bring Your Cholesterol Under Control!

Food and health go hand-in-hand, but thanks to our erratic lifestyle and junk food intake, many amongst us suffer from high cholesterol levels. Having high cholesterol, especially LDL, is typically linked to heart diseases. Fortunately, the high level of cholesterol in your body is not the end of the road. This is because there are food items available that aid in bringing down the cholesterol levels effectively, i.e., a cholesterol diet.

But remember, every food item adopts a different approach to bring down the cholesterol.   Some provide soluble fiber which binds the cholesterol and eliminates it from the body others gives you polyunsaturated fats which help in the direct reduction of LDL. So, are we asking you to go on a diet? No, of course not! You will be surprised to learn that many food items that help to keep a tab on the cholesterol levels are lip-smacking and incredibly delicious.

So, here is a rundown of some of these magical food items aka a cholesterol diet that should make way to your platter as early as possible.


Soluble fiber is found in abundance in beans. They are also a very versatile food that you can cook in many innovative ways. Beans generally take a long while to digest by the body. Hence, they are the best food item for people who are trying to shed those extra pounds.

So, what are you waiting for? Let tonight’s dinner be a wholesome bowl of beans with a dash of coriander! And oh yes, the beans could be black beans, kidney beans, or any form of lentils.

Fatty Fish  

Protein and omega-3 fatty acids are abundant in fish. In addition to lowering levels of triglycerides by between 25 and 30 percent, omega-3 fatty acids present in fish also promote heart health by increasing levels of high-density lipoproteins (HDL).  


The use of garlic for cooking and healing dates back centuries. Allicin, the main active compound in it, is one of its many powerful plant compounds  

In studies, garlic is found to reduce blood pressure in people with elevated levels, and may help lower LDL cholesterol – although the latter effect is somewhat less strong.   To achieve this heart-protecting effect, large amounts of garlic are needed, so most studies use aged supplements, which are regarded as more effective than other garlic preparations  


Oats are a powerhouse of fiber, and you can have them either in the form of oatmeal or add them to your dosa or cutlet batter. And in case you can’t stand their taste or stickiness, powder them and mix them with your daily roti daal. It is one of the most comfortable and most convenient ways to incorporate them into your daily diet and lifestyle as it is one of the best cholesterol-reducing foods.

Read More: Health Benefits of Oatmeal


Avocados are loaded with nutrients, so they bless us with good health and wellbeing. They are also rich in monounsaturated fats that help to lower LDL and up the healthy HDL.

One of the best ways to consume avocados is to slice them into your mid-evening sandwich or switch to the subtly sweet-flavored avocado oil for everyday cooking.

Almonds and Nuts

Eating a daily serving of nuts especially almonds and walnuts helps to regulate the cholesterol levels successfully. Nuts are also rich in minerals that help to keep the heart healthy and fit. So, next time you are hit with a mid-day slump ditch that cheesy burger with a handful of nuts and don’t forget to add some walnuts and almonds to this list. Of course, the low-salt option and be wary and consume them in moderation because they are high on calories.


Fruits such as strawberries, oranges, apples are rich in pectin that helps to lower LDL levels. The immense benefits of a healthy bowl of fruits aren’t an alien concept to any of us, so why not befriend them right away! And if you don’t feel attracted to the bowl, maybe, you could make a Citrus Berry smoothie or shake.

Also Read: Is Granola Good For You: Unraveling the Truth Based on Nutrition Science


Many researchers also suggest that soy and soy-related products such as tofu and soy milk help to reduce bad cholesterol levels. So, it looks like it’s time to make soy an integral entrant in your diet in the form of a bowl full of cereal dipped in soy milk or some tofu stir-fried.

Dark chocolate

Biting into that sinful bar of dark chocolate and feeling guilty? Don’t be! The good news is dark chocolate is filled with antioxidants and flavonoids that help lower LDL levels. But make sure you are consuming the chocolate in moderation and create a healthy choice of opting for unsweetened cocoa powder rather than the fatty, sugary chocolate bar.


Most vegetables are fibrous and low on the calorie count. For example, eggplant (brinjal), okra (ladyfinger) both are rich in soluble fiber and help to control a rising cholesterol level, making them the best cholesterol-reducing foods.

Olive Oil

Next time you want to sauté some veggies or toss them for a quick, nutritious salad, use the very healthy olive oil. Olive oil is a plant-based fat and is a great contributor to lower bad cholesterol.

If you are planning an intimate barbeque session with close family and friends, make it a healthy affair by roasting the veggies and herbs using olive oil.


Both black and green teas are rich in powerful antioxidants and thus help to keep your cholesterol levels in check. But if you want to choose between green and black tea, choose green because it is less processed and made from unfermented leaves.

A diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables, nuts not only helps in lowering cholesterol levels but also helps to keep the blood pressure in check.

Additionally, there are also numerous fortified foods that you can pick up that help in the absorption of excessive cholesterol. These contain natural chemicals called sterols which are obtained from plant foods.

So, next time you go to a departmental store check the labels of yogurts, granola bars and some orange juice brands that contain these natural chemicals. At the same time, also watch out for the calorie counts of each of these items too.

And finally, just adhering to a nutritious diet is not sufficient. Supplement this with, good eating habits, and regular exercising. And if nothing helps to control your cholesterol levels, then maybe it’s time to see a specialist who will add some medication to keep the cholesterol levels under check.

Read More: How To Reduce Cholesterol Level?

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational/awareness purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional and should not be relied upon to diagnose or treat any medical condition. The reader should consult a registered medical practitioner to determine the appropriateness of the information and before consuming any medication. PharmEasy does not provide any guarantee or warranty (express or implied) regarding the accuracy, adequacy, completeness, legality, reliability or usefulness of the information; and disclaims any liability arising thereof.

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What Should You Know About Cholesterol Levels?

Do conversations about cholesterol often overwhelm you? Do you feel like you don’t know enough about this condition to understand why people work towards maintaining their cholesterol levels? Cholesterol is always present in our bodies in varying amounts and types. Its levels vary according to age, gender and weight and it is measured by a lipid profile test. This test helps to assess the levels of different fats – good cholesterol (HDL), bad cholesterol (LDL), triglycerides and total cholesterol in our body.

Why is it important to control your cholesterol levels?

Excess bad cholesterol and triglycerides coupled with low levels of good cholesterol can lead to fat deposits (plaque) on the walls of blood vessels leading to narrowing and blockage of the arteries. This, in turn, increases the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke.1 Therefore, all adults should get their cholesterol levels checked from time to time to ensure that they have normal cholesterol levels.

Most people who struggle with cholesterol face difficulty in maintaining a balance between good cholesterol (HDL) and bad cholesterol (LDL). Ideally, the total cholesterol, triglycerides and LDL levels should be low in the body and the HDL levels should be in a healthy range to reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes.2

Cholesterol Level: A Quick Glance

Cholesterol Levels: Do Your Age & Gender Matter?

What are the recommended cholesterol levels concerning your age and gender? Do they matter in understanding what one’s cholesterol levels should be? As already mentioned, cholesterol levels tend to increase with age. This is why doctors ask people to keep levels within the normal cholesterol range right from an early age. Years of unmanaged cholesterol are very tricky to handle and can lead to serious health problems later in life.

Men are typically more likely to have high levels of cholesterol as compared to women of the same age.3 Men’s cholesterol levels generally increase with age, while women show an increase after menopause. But with the increasing impact of stress, junk food and a sedentary lifestyle, healthcare experts suggest a need to keep an eye on lipid profiles from an early age in both genders.

Also, Read About What Causes High Cholesterol Level?

Cholesterol normal range

Can one’s cholesterol levels be brought to normal? Can certain medication or diet help to achieve this? Is Cholesterol Management and Treatment Easy?

The good news is that cholesterol can be reduced using the prescribed medications and certain lifestyle changes which include a healthy diet, regular exercise and weight management. A diet low in saturated fats and trans fats and high in fibre is good for lowering cholesterol. Read more on cholesterol diet.

According to doctors, people with deranged levels of cholesterol should monitor their calories and consume just enough to maintain a healthy weight. Stay away from smoking and alcohol. Further, an exercise regimen of 30 minutes every day can go a long way in cholesterol management.4

Treatment for deranged cholesterol (dyslipidemia) can include medicines to lower cholesterol levels – some act by reducing its absorption from the diet while other groups of medicines work by reducing its production. Certain vitamin and omega-3 fatty acid supplements can also be helpful. A doctor may use a few or all of the above methods to help a patient maintain normal cholesterol levels and live a healthy life.

Read More: 6 Simple Ways to Reduce Cholesterol



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Disclaimer: The information included on this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional. Because of unique individual needs, the reader should consult their physician to determine the appropriateness of the information for the reader’s situation.

High Cholesterol Diet – Foods to Eat & Avoid!

Heart disease is the primary cause of deaths around the world. Having too much cholesterol can lead to severe cardiac issues. Thankfully, you can control and reduce the cholesterol levels by watching what you eat, i.e. the right cholesterol foods. Everything that you ingest has an impact on the cholesterol levels. Here is our cholesterol food list that  increases cholesterol and foods that lower cholesterol.

The Good Foods List aka Cholesterol Lowering Foods to Eat  

1. Legumes

Eating your pulses, beans, and peas will ensure that the cholesterol levels stay in check. They are rich in fiber, protein, and essential minerals. They are not calorie-dense so help with weight management too.

2. Nuts

Nuts are rich in protein, monounsaturated fats (good fats) and other nutrients. They improve heart health, regulate blood pressure and lower cholesterol. They are known as cholesterol absorbing foods.

3. Whole Grains

Eating whole grains like oats, barley, and quinoa help to reduce cholesterol and improve cardiac health. They are high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. They help lower LDL (the bad cholesterol).

4. Fruits

Fruits are full of soluble fiber that they are known as cholesterol-lowering foods. They stop the formation of cholesterol from being formed in the liver itself. They prevent heart issues due to their antioxidative and anti-inflammatory properties. Apples, grapes, citrus, and berries are good options.

5. Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate has a high amount of antioxidants. This leads to a reduction in LDL (bad cholesterol) and prevents its oxidation in the body leading to a better heart function. Take note to eat a less sweet variety to keep sugar levels in check.

Read More: Dark Chocolate Health Benefits

Foods to Avoid for Cholesterol

1. Refined Vegetable Oil

All refined vegetable oils undergo a process of hydrogenation to improve their shelf life. Try to use virgin or cold-pressed oils. Refined versions of safflower, canola, corn, and soy oil are harmful to your health.

2. Packaged Food

Processed and packaged food is high in trans fats and increases the amount of bad cholesterol in the body. Stay away from chips, crackers and other snack items that come in packets.

3. Ice Cream and Cream Cheese

Ice cream has more fat than ten doughnuts. If you want to lower cholesterol levels, stay away from cream cheese and ice creams as they are very calorie-dense.

Over the years, I’ve seen that including eggplant and okra in your diet can be beneficial if you have high cholesterol. These vegetables are packed with soluble fiber, which can help lower cholesterol levels. By regularly incorporating them into your meals, you can improve your cholesterol profile and support your heart health.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

4. Fried Foods

When food is fried, its nutritive value decreases and trans fats increase making it very harmful. So avoid French fries and pakoras if lowering cholesterol is your aim.

5. Commercial Baked Goods

Most commercial baked goods are made with hydrogenated oil and are loaded with sugar. They make a delicious treat, but they are terrible for your cholesterol levels. Cookies, muffins, pastries, candies, and cakes come under this list.

6. Microwave Popcorn

Microwave popcorn is full of butter and salt and increases the LDL in the body. A fat-free version with very little or no salt would be a better alternative.

Eating right and making healthy food choices will ensure that your cardiac health and your cholesterol levels are good.

Alongwith diet and lifestyle modifications, you should also consult a doctor for right advise. There are different types of cholesterol lowering medications each with a different set of indications. Your doctor will advice the appropriate medicine for appropriate duration if deemed necessary. Click here to read more.

As a doctor, I recommend using herbs and spices to flavour your foods instead of adding salt, especially if you have high cholesterol. It’s a simple and delicious way to support your cholesterol management and overall well-being.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, B.A.M.S, M.D (Ayu)

Good Cholesterol Vs Bad Cholesterol

Note that the above-mentioned foods are aimed at reducing the levels of bad cholesterol aka LDL. High cholesterol usually refers to poor health caused by LDL. But there is a counterpart called HDL (high-density lipoprotein), which is considered to be good cholesterol. HDL takes proteins and sends them off to the liver, where they can be broken down and removed as waste. Certain foods like olive oil, grains, beans, fibre-rich foods and fatty fish are all great sources of HDL. When you take your blood test, it is important that your LDL levels are low and your HDL levels are high (all within the normal range).

Also Read: Benefits of Prickly Pear Cactus: Delving into Research-Backed Health Benefits 

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational/awareness purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional and should not be relied upon to diagnose or treat any medical condition. The reader should consult a registered medical practitioner to determine the appropriateness of the information and before consuming any medication. PharmEasy does not provide any guarantee or warranty (express or implied) regarding the accuracy, adequacy, completeness, legality, reliability or usefulness of the information; and disclaims any liability arising thereof.

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7 Causes Of High Cholesterol That You Should Know!

Cholesterol is essential for good health but high blood cholesterol can increase your risk for heart disease. The body uses cholesterol to produce many hormones and bile acids, which help in the process of digestion.

Cholesterol is a wax-like substance. Hence, when there is too much of it in your body, it builds up in the walls of your arteries. This might hamper the blood flow to the heart resulting in chest pains and heart-related problems. High blood cholesterol has been one of the primary causes of Coronary Heart Disease and may necessitate bypass surgery Read about Bypass Surgery: Purpose and Procedure. 

Every once in 5 years, people of age 20 and above should have their blood cholesterol levels checked. It is recommended to take a blood test called a Lipid Profile Test.

There are mainly two types of Cholesterol – good cholesterol and bad cholesterol, based on their impact on our body. The bad one is called Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and the good one is called High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol. Triglyceride is another type of fat that is present in our body and abnormally high levels can increase the risk of heart attack and stroke. 

High cholesterol may be a cause of heart disease, stroke, or atherosclerosis in other blood vessels, such as left-sided chest pain, pressure, or fullness, dizziness, unsteady gait, slurred speech, or pain in the lower legs. A person can combat high cholesterol by exercising regularly. Forms of exercise that help a person lower their total and LDL cholesterol levels include walking, running, cycling, and swimming.

Dr. Ashish Bajaj – M.B.B.S, M.D.

In my observation, high levels of cholesterol is usually due lifestyle, medication and disease related factors.. Some of the examples that may increase the level of cholesterol in your body are smoking, drinking alcohol, eating fatty food, PCOS, hypothyroidism, and use of hormonal pills and steroids. Avoiding these things may assist in bringing down the cholesterol levels in your body.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, MD

7 Causes of High Blood Cholesterol

1. Unhealthy Diet: Diets high in carbohydrates, sugar, red meat, high-fat, deep-fried and processed foods, bakery items etc. make your blood cholesterol levels go up. 

2. Overweight: The extra flab in your body is an indication of possible heart disease in the future. Being overweight tends to increase cholesterol levels in the body.

3. Lack of sufficient physical activity: Lack of physical activity puts you at risk of gaining weight and having more fat in your body rather than muscle. Physical activity helps to improve your good cholesterol and hence it is advisable to exercise or keep the body active for a minimum of 30 minutes every day.

4. Age: This is not as much in your control, however in some cases, irrespective of age or gender, you might have high cholesterol levels.

5. Hereditary: Well, if it runs in the family, don’t be surprised if you suffer from high blood cholesterol.

Also Read: What is Spirulina: Understanding the Research-Based Benefits and Uses

6. Alcohol: If you are already suffering from high cholesterol, then alcohol does not help at all. Drinking too much alcohol can increase your triglyceride levels, damage the liver and heart muscle and cause high blood pressure.

Poor diet is the most important cause. Eating too much saturated fat or trans fats can result in unhealthy cholesterol levels. Saturated fats are found in fatty cuts of meat and full-fat dairy products. Trans fats are often found in packaged snacks or desserts.

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka, MBBS, MD

7. Mental Stress: There is a popular saying ”I eat when I am stressed”; a lot of studies back this statement as it is proved that people who are stressed eat fatty and sugary foods and this can in the long-run lead to high cholesterol. Moreover, persistent stress can raise the levels of stress hormones which in turn impact your cholesterol levels in the long run. Read more on different relaxation techniques that can help with distressing.

Research has identified numerous factors that can result in elevated cholesterol levels in the body. It’s important to be aware of these causes such as an unhealthy diet, insufficient physical activity, stress, etc. As you get older, genetic factors, specific medications, stress, and certain medical conditions, all are contributors to high cholesterol levels.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

The most effective way to manage high blood cholesterol is by modifying your lifestyle. Following a healthy diet can help you monitor calorie intake and also keep a tab on weight gain. Also, being physically active helps to keep cholesterol in control.

It is important to consult a doctor and follow their advice. For some individuals, doctors may prescribe cholesterol-lowering medicines as well. These medicines are very effective in lowering LDL and triglyceride levels and are safe for most people. However, remember, nothing will be effective until you bring a change in your lifestyle.

Must Read: 6 Simple Ways to Reduce Cholesterol

Disclaimer: The information included on this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional. Because of unique individual needs, the reader should consult their physician to determine the appropriateness of the information for the reader’s situation.


Cholesterol – 10 Common Mistakes To Avoid!

Having high cholesterol is a precursor to many health problems especially those related to the heart. Everyone in their thirties and more should be watchful of their cholesterol levels. Cholesterol is a waxy substance that deposits over the arteries and veins. It is obtained from animal sources of food.

The body needs some quantity of cholesterol as it is an important part of hormones and other biochemical processes but too much of it can lead to heart diseases. This is because excessive amounts of cholesterol react with other substances in the blood and form plaque which sticks to the walls of the arteries, narrowing them down and in more severe cases, blocking them completely. This leads to heart attacks.

10 Common Cholesterol Mistakes To Avoid

The surest way of keeping your cholesterol in check is through regular exercises. Many people fall prey to high cholesterol because they have a sedentary lifestyle. Stay active and make physical activity a consistent part of your routine. You could choose between walking, jogging, yoga, aerobics or some form of dancing. A minimum of 45 minutes at least three to four times a week will keep your cholesterol in check.

Many people begin following a completely fat-free diet when diagnosed with high cholesterol in order to bring down their cholesterol levels. While saturated and Trans fats are really harmful to the body, polyunsaturated and unsaturated fats are beneficial for the system and can even help in reducing cholesterol levels.

Olive, dry fruits, sunflower seeds, avocados and canola oil are some good sources of unsaturated fats. Instead of stepping off the fat bandwagon completely, choose healthy fats and in moderate amounts to keep your body functioning properly.

Triglycerides and cholesterol are different types of lipids that circulate in your blood: Triglycerides store unused calories and provide your body with energy. Cholesterol is used to build cells and certain hormones, so getting tested for lipid profile at regular intervals is highly recommended.

Dr. Ashish Bajaj – M.B.B.S, M.D.

Since high cholesterol doesn’t exhibit any symptoms, the only way to be sure about your cholesterol readings is by getting yourself tested regularly. Most people realize with a shock that they have been speeding towards a heart disease only after it is too late.

It needs a simple blood test to get your cholesterol levels checked. Skipping regular checkups is another mistake that one must avoid in case of high cholesterol.

Cholesterol is often high due to excessive saturated and trans fat consumption. There are certain drinks that can help maintain an ideal cholesterol level. Some of the best drinks for cholesterol management include green tea, pomegranate juice, citrus juice, soy milk, plant-based smoothies, and red wine.

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka, MBBS, MD

Belly fat is one of the worst things that can happen to the body as it signifies eminent heart problems. It is responsible for reducing the good cholesterol in the body and raising the levels of bad cholesterol.

Exercising and eating a healthy diet are the only ways to lose weight around the waist.

Yoga exercises and Pilates are dependable forms of exercise to lose the girth around the stomach. Diet control is also necessary as belly fat is a result of an unhealthy diet of junk and processed food and a diet rich in saturated fats.

Junk food and processed food are highly detrimental to health. They are rich in preservatives and Trans fats which add to high cholesterol. The saturated fats in this kind of diet reduce the levels of HDL or good cholesterol thus proving to be a double whammy.

Weight gain because of consuming junk food is tougher to control and lose because it deposits over the organs. Abstain from processed foods, colas, burgers, pasta, cakes, cookies and opt for a healthy diet that is rich in fruits, raw vegetables and whole grains.

High cholesterol is not just a result of a diet rich in saturated and Trans fats but even sugar and alcohol consumption have a huge role to play in high cholesterol readings.

If your cholesterol levels are not tapering off even if you have been abstaining from fats, look into the hidden sugar that is part of our bread, beverages, etc. alcohol also adds to cholesterol levels.

Watch out for the number of drinks and their frequency to control high cholesterol. Consuming large quantities of alcohol can lead to heart failure, stroke and high blood pressure.

Also Read: Why Does Alcohol Make You Pee? Unraveling The Science Behind It

Cholesterol medications have proven to be an effective method to reduce cholesterol levels. Once the levels reduce a bit, many people go off medications or become irregular with them. These medications are not a matter of choice and taking them irregularly will lead to serious complications.

To lose weight and reduce cholesterol levels, many people turn to the latest fad diet. The cumulative negative effects of dieting off and on are substantial and one of them is high cholesterol levels. This is because no diet can be sustained over a period of time and once, we get off the diet rollercoaster, we end up eating all kinds of foods to satisfy our cravings. The result is more weight gain.

Instead of dieting, make sustainable lifestyle changes like eating fruit every time you feel like eating something sweet or drinking more water. Start small and build up a healthy lifestyle over a period of time.

Consuming your cholesterol medication with breakfast juice, especially grapefruit juice, is bad for the health. The liver makes more cholesterol at night and it is a good idea to take your statins or cholesterol medications in the evening to keep the levels under control.

Eating a diet that includes butter, ghee, fried food, etc. is rich in saturated fats which are responsible for high cholesterol numbers. Reduce your dependence on these in your food and switch to low-fat milk and low-fat yoghurt.

Read More About Cholesterol Diet – Food to Eat & Avoid for High Cholesterol


Exercise regularly, watch what you eat and consume good fats to reduce high cholesterol levels. Eating junk and processed food, skipping medications and not getting regular checkups are common mistakes that must be avoided by those who have high cholesterol.

Read More About Side Effects Of High Cholesterol

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational/awareness purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional and should not be relied upon to diagnose or treat any medical condition. The reader should consult a registered medical practitioner to determine the appropriateness of the information and before consuming any medication. PharmEasy does not provide any guarantee or warranty (express or implied) regarding the accuracy, adequacy, completeness, legality, reliability or usefulness of the information; and disclaims any liability arising thereof.

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All You Need To Know About Triglycerides!

Many amongst us suffer from the problem of high levels of triglycerides. Studies have shown that high triglyceride levels can cause heart ailments especially heart attacks and stroke, with these conditions becoming more prevalent for people with low levels of HDL (good cholesterol). Patients suffering from Type 2 Diabetes are also at an increased risk of contracting this condition, i.e., triglycerides and diabetes have a deeper connection.

Click here to book your HB A1C levels.

The Triglycerides levels are generally checked by doing a fasting blood test (you are expected to keep an empty stomach till your blood sample is collected). This is typically a cholesterol test, which is also known as the Lipid profile or Lipid panel.

Prescribed Levels

Very high levels of triglycerides are also known to cause liver and pancreatic problems.

Lifestyle changes include dietary changes such as reduction of carbohydrate intake, avoidance of sugar-sweetened beverages, and processed carbohydrates, regular exercise, and weight loss. Weight loss of 5% to 10% is associated with a reduction of triglyceride levels. Similarly, regular aerobic exercise can reduce triglycerides.

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka, MBBS, MD

What are triglycerides?

Triglycerides are a fat type that is found in our blood and are generally stored in the fat cells. When we eat, any calories that our body doesn’t need to get converted into triglycerides.

So, when we are consuming calories at a faster rate but burning them at a slower pace, it will cause triglyceride levels to rise. An elevated level of triglycerides in the blood is called Hypertriglyceridemia.

It is a myth that only people over 35 Need to Be Tested for Lipid profile. The fact is that your cholesterol should be checked every 5 years from childhood to middle age. Men ages 45 to 65 and women ages 55 to 65 should have it checked every 1-2 years. After age 65, make it yearly. If you have high cholesterol, you may need more frequent testing to make sure your meds and lifestyle changes are working.

Dr. Ashish Bajaj, M.B.B.S., M.D

The Role Of Lipoproteins  

As triglycerides are simply stores of fat, they can’t really move about in your body by themselves. Lipoproteins carry these triglycerides around your body to the cells they need to reach through your blood.  

Keep in mind, that these fatty deposits are vital and an essential part of your normal bodily function. But when the triglycerides level is too high and when it is accompanied by high levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) this can be dangerous.

What is the Difference Between Cholesterol and Triglycerides?

The Effects Of High Triglycerides Levels

When the triglyceride levels are high, there may not be any symptoms as it is also a silent health problem. However, it does have health implications – it increases the likelihood of a heart attack or a stroke.

High triglycerides also indicate that you may be insulin-resistant, i.e., your body is not using the insulin hormone properly. This means you are unable to control your blood sugar levels and because of this, you could be a pre-diabetic which will eventually end up as Type 2 diabetes.

High triglycerides also harden the arteries and cause inflammation in the pancreas. If the inflammation in the pancreas continues it will cause pancreatitis.

High levels of triglycerides also indicate fatty liver disease. Bad lifestyle choices, especially wrong food choices lead to the accumulation of fats in the bloodstream, i.e., triglycerides. These fat deposits are also found in the liver.

To check for fatty liver, you should get liver function tests such as ALT and AST done. Like triglycerides, the fatty liver also does not show any symptoms. However, if ignored, it can lead to liver cirrhosis or permanent damage.

Highly inflated levels of triglycerides can also cause inflammation in the pancreas and result in a condition called pancreatitis.

How to Control:

One of the best ways to control the triglyceride levels in the body is by making healthy lifestyle changes!

Lifestyle Changes for Triglycerides Control Include:

Reduced alcohol intake

Triglycerides and alcohol don’t go together! Alcohol is extremely high on calories and is known for its high sugar content. Thus, if you have been diagnosed with high triglyceride levels, you must keep a check on your alcohol intake.

Regular exercise

Regular bouts of physical activity do wonders for our body. Aim to reserve at least 30 minutes each day and do yoga, walking, stretching, swimming, etc. Keep changing your exercise routine so that your body doesn’t get accustomed to one exercise regime and the variety also keeps you motivated. Studies prove that regular exercising helps to combat triglyceride levels and also aids in the production of ‘good’ cholesterol. So, on days when you are thoroughly pressed for time, ditch the lift and take the stairs instead.

Weight Management

If you are obese, it is extremely pivotal that you shed those extra pounds. Resort to a healthy diet and always aim to maintain ideal body weight. When you focus on your diet – try to eat fewer calories. Instead, focus on a high intake of fresh fruits and veggies and cut down the consumption of sugary foods like soda and other aerated drinks.

Judicious Selection of Fats

When it comes to your fat intake, eat good healthy fats such as monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats found in food items such as fish, olive oil, etc. Refrain from eating unhealthy fats which are found in food items such as cheese, butter, etc.

Refined Carbohydrates

Avoid the intake of food items that are rich in refined carbohydrates such as white flour as they tend to up your triglycerides levels.

Fiber Foods

An increase in the proportions of fiber in your diet also helps to up the absorption of fat by the body. This helps to reduce the triglycerides levels in the blood too.

Meal Plan

As far as possible, adhere to a fixed meal pattern by eating at regular intervals. Diet and positive lifestyle-related changes are two crucial factors that can help to manage and maintain your triglyceride levels.


If after regular checking too, if your triglyceride level count doesn’t fall within the prescribed range then probably it’s time you consult your doctor. The doctor may then have to prescribe medication to bring the levels to a normal range.

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational/awareness purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional and should not be relied upon to diagnose or treat any medical condition. The reader should consult a registered medical practitioner to determine the appropriateness of the information and before consuming any medication. PharmEasy does not provide any guarantee or warranty (express or implied) regarding the accuracy, adequacy, completeness, legality, reliability or usefulness of the information; and disclaims any liability arising thereof.

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10 Best Foods To Bring Your Cholesterol Under Control!

Food and health go hand-in-hand, but thanks to our erratic lifestyle and junk food intake, many amongst us suffer from high cholesterol levels.   Having high cholesterol, especially LDL, is typically linked to heart diseases. Fortunately, the high level of cholesterol in your body is not the end of the road. This is because there are food items available that aid in bringing down the cholesterol levels effectively, i.e., a cholesterol diet.

But remember, every food item adopts a different approach to bring down the cholesterol.   Some provide soluble fiber which binds the cholesterol and eliminates it from the body others gives you polyunsaturated fats which help in the direct reduction of LDL. So, are we asking you to go on a diet? No, of course not! You will be surprised to learn that many food items that help to keep a tab on the cholesterol levels are lip-smacking and incredibly delicious.

So, here is a rundown of some of these magical food items aka a cholesterol diet that should make way to your platter as early as possible.


Soluble fiber is found in abundance in beans. They are also a very versatile food that you can cook in many innovative ways. Beans generally take a long while to digest by the body. Hence, they are the best food item for people who are trying to shed those extra pounds.

So, what are you waiting for? Let tonight’s dinner be a wholesome bowl of beans with a dash of coriander! And oh yes, the beans could be black beans, kidney beans, or any form of lentils.

Fatty Fish  

Protein and omega-3 fatty acids are abundant in fish. In addition to lowering levels of triglycerides by between 25 and 30 percent, omega-3 fatty acids present in fish also promote heart health by increasing levels of high-density lipoproteins (HDL).  

Based on some studies, drumstick fruits and leaves might possess hypolipidemic effects. Including drumsticks in your meals might help in lowering cholesterol levels.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, B.A.M.S, M.D (Ayu)


The use of garlic for cooking and healing dates back centuries. Allicin, the main active compound in it, is one of its many powerful plant compounds  

In studies, garlic is found to reduce blood pressure in people with elevated levels, and may help lower LDL cholesterol – although the latter effect is somewhat less strong.   To achieve this heart-protecting effect, large amounts of garlic are needed, so most studies use aged supplements, which are regarded as more effective than other garlic preparations  


Oats are a powerhouse of fiber, and you can have them either in the form of oatmeal or add them to your dosa or cutlet batter. And in case you can’t stand their taste or stickiness, powder them and mix them with your daily roti daal. It is one of the most comfortable and most convenient ways to incorporate them into your daily diet and lifestyle as it is one of the best cholesterol-reducing foods.

Amla is known to be an amazing fruit with many medicinal properties. Some research studies suggest that amla possesses hypolipidemic properties. Consuming one amla daily might be useful in reducing levels of cholesterol and blood pressure.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

Read More: Health Benefits of Oatmeal


Avocados are loaded with nutrients, so they bless us with good health and wellbeing. They are also rich in monounsaturated fats that help to lower LDL and up the healthy HDL.

One of the best ways to consume avocados is to slice them into your mid-evening sandwich or switch to the subtly sweet-flavored avocado oil for everyday cooking.

Almonds and Nuts

Eating a daily serving of nuts especially almonds and walnuts helps to regulate the cholesterol levels successfully. Nuts are also rich in minerals that help to keep the heart healthy and fit. So, next time you are hit with a mid-day slump ditch that cheesy burger with a handful of nuts and don’t forget to add some walnuts and almonds to this list. Of course, the low-salt option and be wary and consume them in moderation because they are high on calories.


Fruits such as strawberries, oranges, apples are rich in pectin that helps to lower LDL levels. The immense benefits of a healthy bowl of fruits aren’t an alien concept to any of us, so why not befriend them right away! And if you don’t feel attracted to the bowl, maybe, you could make a Citrus Berry smoothie or shake.


Many researchers also suggest that soy and soy-related products such as tofu and soy milk help to reduce bad cholesterol levels. So, it looks like it’s time to make soy an integral entrant in your diet in the form of a bowl full of cereal dipped in soy milk or some tofu stir-fried.

Dark chocolate

Biting into that sinful bar of dark chocolate and feeling guilty? Don’t be! The good news is dark chocolate is filled with antioxidants and flavonoids that help lower LDL levels. But make sure you are consuming the chocolate in moderation and create a healthy choice of opting for unsweetened cocoa powder rather than the fatty, sugary chocolate bar.


Most vegetables are fibrous and low on the calorie count. For example, eggplant (brinjal), okra (ladyfinger) both are rich in soluble fiber and help to control a rising cholesterol level, making them the best cholesterol-reducing foods.

Olive Oil

Next time you want to sauté some veggies or toss them for a quick, nutritious salad, use the very healthy olive oil. Olive oil is a plant-based fat and is a great contributor to lower bad cholesterol.

If you are planning an intimate barbeque session with close family and friends, make it a healthy affair by roasting the veggies and herbs using olive oil.


Both black and green teas are rich in powerful antioxidants and thus help to keep your cholesterol levels in check. But if you want to choose between green and black tea, choose green because it is less processed and made from unfermented leaves.

A diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables, nuts not only helps in lowering cholesterol levels but also helps to keep the blood pressure in check.

Additionally, there are also numerous fortified foods that you can pick up that help in the absorption of excessive cholesterol. These contain natural chemicals called sterols which are obtained from plant foods.

So, next time you go to a departmental store check the labels of yogurts, granola bars and some orange juice brands that contain these natural chemicals. At the same time, also watch out for the calorie counts of each of these items too.

And finally, just adhering to a nutritious diet is not sufficient. Supplement this with, good eating habits, and regular exercising. And if nothing helps to control your cholesterol levels, then maybe it’s time to see a specialist who will add some medication to keep the cholesterol levels under check.

Read More: How To Reduce Cholesterol Level?

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6 Simple & Natural Ways To Reduce Cholesterol

Cholesterol is an essential component of metabolic processes in the body. It is needed for the flexibility of cellular walls and for producing hormones in the body. Only when there is too much of it in the body, it spells trouble. Cholesterol plaques the arteries and is the primary cause of heart disease in the world. But there is no cause for worry. Even if you have been living a very unhealthy lifestyle, if you make small changes now, you could scale back the cholesterol levels in your body.

Did you know?

Here are 6 Simple Steps to Lower Cholesterol

1. Eating Right

There is a lot of changes that you can make in your diet to have a healthy heart and to lower cholesterol.

2. Increase Physical Activity

Work out for a minimum of 30 minutes daily is essential to lower cholesterol. Exercising helps to reduce LDL and increases HDL. Apart from improving your physical fitness, it is beneficial for the heart. Even ten minutes of walking done in two or three sessions during the day can show positive results.

3. Stop Smoking

Smoking is injurious to health as it changes the manner in which the body responds to cholesterol. Tobacco tar leads to quicker storage of cholesterol in the arteries. Quitting smoking has shown to reverse the effects.

Read More: 7 Health Hazards of Smoking  

4. Weight Management

Losing even five kilos has shown to reduce cholesterol levels in the body by 8%. Snack healthy, eat six small meals a day and exercise to lose weight. Observe what is sabotaging your weight loss plans and work on those aspects.

5. Moderate Alcohol Consumption

Drinking too much alcohol can put a lot of stress on your heart. Drink in moderation to avoid the build-up of cholesterol.

6. De-Stress

Stress and cholesterol are closely linked. Learn not to sweat the small stuff. Meditate, do yoga or read a book to chill out.

I recommend that in early morning in empty stomach people with high cholesterol should drink hot water mixed with flax seed powder. Research shows it significantly reduced the levels.

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka, MBBS, MD

Effect of Untreated High-Cholesterol  

High cholesterol can lead to many serious and long term medical issues, especially if it is not treated and managed well. These issues can include:

Sometimes, just making lifestyle changes might not be enough. Consult your doctor and take your medication regularly to avoid complications.

High cholesterol might be a cause of heart disease and a fatty built up in your arterial walls. Limiting trans fats, saturated fatty acids in food and a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids might be beneficial to reduce cholesterol levels.

Dr. Ashish Bajaj, M.B.B.S., M.D.

Read More:  7 Different Types of Relaxation Techniques for Fighting Stress

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can regular exercise help lower cholesterol?

Absolutely! Regular physical activity, such as brisk walking, running, swimming or cycling, can positively impact cholesterol levels. Exercise helps raise HDL cholesterol and lower LDL cholesterol, which improves the overall cholesterol profile.

Does quitting smoking affect cholesterol?

Yes, quitting smoking can have a positive effect on cholesterol levels. Smoking damages blood vessels, leading to inflammation and increased LDL cholesterol. By quitting smoking, individuals can improve their heart health and lower their risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Can stress management play a role in reducing cholesterol?

Yes, stress management is vital for heart health, and it can indirectly impact cholesterol levels. Chronic stress can contribute to unhealthy lifestyle habits that may affect cholesterol. Meditation, yoga, deep breathing exercises and time in nature can help manage stress and promote better heart health.

Are there any specific foods to avoid for managing cholesterol levels?

For managing cholesterol levels, it’s advisable to limit the intake of foods high in saturated and trans fats. These include fatty meats, full-fat dairy products, processed foods and commercially baked goods. Reducing these unhealthy fats can support cholesterol management and overall heart health.

What are some natural ways to reduce cholesterol levels?

Several natural methods can help lower cholesterol levels. These include adopting a heart-healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins. Regular physical activity, such as aerobic and strength training, can also benefit. Additionally, managing stress, quitting smoking and maintaining a healthy weight contribute to cholesterol reduction.

Can dietary fibre help lower cholesterol?

Yes, dietary fibre is essential for reducing cholesterol levels. Soluble fibre, found in foods like oats, beans, lentils and fruits like apples and citrus, helps lower LDL cholesterol (commonly known as “bad” cholesterol). Including these fibre-rich foods in your diet can have a positive impact on cholesterol levels.

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High Cholesterol Diet – Foods to Eat & Avoid!

Heart disease is the primary cause of deaths around the world. Having too much cholesterol can lead to severe cardiac issues. Thankfully, you can control and reduce the cholesterol levels by watching what you eat, i.e. the right cholesterol foods. Everything that you ingest has an impact on the cholesterol levels. Here is our cholesterol food list that  increases cholesterol and foods that lower cholesterol.

The Good Foods List aka Cholesterol Foods to Eat  

1. Legumes

Eating your pulses, beans, and peas will ensure that the cholesterol levels stay in check. They are rich in fiber, protein, and essential minerals. They are not calorie-dense so help with weight management too.

2. Nuts

Nuts are rich in protein, monounsaturated fats (good fats) and other nutrients. They improve heart health, regulate blood pressure and lower cholesterol. They are known as cholesterol absorbing foods.

3. Whole Grains

Eating whole grains like oats, barley, and quinoa help to reduce cholesterol and improve cardiac health. They are high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. They help lower LDL (the bad cholesterol).

Researchers believe that saturated fat levels are high in whole milk, butter, full-fat yoghurt, and cheese, that may raise the levels of bad cholesterol by many folds. I suggest choosing part-skim cheeses like Swiss or mozzarella in your cooking and keeping your weekly cheese intake to no more than 3 ounces. To receive your daily dose of calcium, drink skim (non-fat), 1%, or 2% milk. Choose yoghurt that is low or non-fat. Instead of butter, use extra-virgin olive oil or avocado oil.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, MD

4. Fruits

Fruits are full of soluble fiber that they are known as cholesterol-lowering foods. They stop the formation of cholesterol from being formed in the liver itself. They prevent heart issues due to their antioxidative and anti-inflammatory properties. Apples, grapes, citrus, and berries are good options.

5. Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate has a high amount of antioxidants. This leads to a reduction in LDL (bad cholesterol) and prevents its oxidation in the body leading to a better heart function. Take note to eat a less sweet variety to keep sugar levels in check.

Read More: Dark Chocolate Health Benefits

Foods to Avoid for Cholesterol

1. Refined Vegetable Oil

All refined vegetable oils undergo a process of hydrogenation to improve their shelf life. Try to use virgin or cold-pressed oils. Refined versions of safflower, canola, corn, and soy oil are harmful to your health.

2. Packaged Food

Processed and packaged food is high in trans fats and increases the amount of bad cholesterol in the body. Stay away from chips, crackers and other snack items that come in packets.

3. Ice Cream and Cream Cheese

Ice cream has more fat than ten doughnuts. If you want to lower cholesterol levels, stay away from cream cheese and ice creams as they are very calorie-dense.

4. Fried Foods

When food is fried, its nutritive value decreases and trans fats increase making it very harmful. So avoid French fries and pakoras if lowering cholesterol is your aim.

5. Commercial Baked Goods

Most commercial baked goods are made with hydrogenated oil and are loaded with sugar. They make a delicious treat, but they are terrible for your cholesterol levels. Cookies, muffins, pastries, candies, and cakes come under this list.

6. Microwave Popcorn

Microwave popcorn is full of butter and salt and increases the LDL in the body. A fat-free version with very little or no salt would be a better alternative.

Eating right and making healthy food choices will ensure that your cardiac health and your cholesterol levels are good.

Did you know butter and sugar, used in baking cookies, cakes, and doughnuts, may increase bad cholesterol in the blood? Butter and sugar are rich in saturated fats and cholesterol, which may raise blood triglyceride levels and increase the risk of coronary heart disease. I suggest making your sweets at home instead, sticking to recipes that don’t use much butter.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

Good Cholesterol Vs Bad Cholesterol

Note that the above-mentioned foods are aimed at reducing the levels of bad cholesterol aka LDL. High cholesterol usually refers to poor health caused by LDL. But there is a counterpart called HDL (high-density lipoprotein), which is considered to be good cholesterol. HDL takes proteins and sends them off to the liver, where they can be broken down and removed as waste. Certain foods like olive oil, grains, beans, fibre-rich foods and fatty fish are all great sources of HDL. When you take your blood test, it is important that your LDL levels are low and your HDL levels are high.

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Should You Be Worried About Your Cholesterol Levels?

‘Cholesterol’ is a term that we all have heard of but most of us have a vague idea about what it really is. We all know that this term comes up when heart health is being discussed. But there is more to cholesterol than that. You might be wondering why you should bother learning more about it. The reason is, the right balance of cholesterol is crucial for your overall health, including, yes, your heart.

So let us find out more about cholesterol.

What is cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a wax-like substance that can be found in all the cells of the body. Cholesterol has received a lot of bad press because it is linked with heart disorders. But you probably didn’t know that cholesterol is essential to maintain the structure of the cells, for the synthesis of many hormones such as oestrogen, testosterone, adrenal and for producing Vitamin D.

There are 2 sources of cholesterol – your liver and the foods that you consume. Did you know that your liver produces all the cholesterol that your body needs? The cholesterol found in foods is called dietary cholesterol. When you consume eggs, dairy products or meat, cholesterol enters your body from outside.

Good cholesterol and bad cholesterol

There are mainly two types of cholesterol- HDL and LDL. These are lipoproteins (lipids+proteins). 

HDL – High-Density Lipoprotein or HDL is also called good cholesterol. HDL collects excess cholesterol from your body and transports it to the liver which breaks the cholesterol down and your body expels it. This means HDL can protect you from heart attacks and strokes.

LDL – Low-Density Lipoprotein is called bad cholesterol because when in excess, it leads to the build-up of fats in your blood vessels. This hardens and narrows your arteries, limits the passage of blood to your heart and other vital organs, eventually triggers damage of the heart’s muscles, heart attack or cardiac arrest.

Who should get tested for cholesterol and when to take a cholesterol test?

Everyone should keep an eye on their cholesterol levels. 

Why cholesterol test? We tend to eat a lot of unhealthy foods that increase LDL levels in our bodies. A cholesterol test should be part of your preventive healthcare check. Since heart disorders are being reported in people as young as 40, it is best to get tested as soon as you enter your 30s. 

Type of cholesterol test

The cholesterol test is a simple blood test that is included in the lipid profile test that will measure the levels of HDL, LDL and triglycerides in your blood.

Healthy parameters of HDL and LDL:

Desirable levels of HDL60 mg/dL or above60 mg/dL or above
HDL levels that put you at riskLess than 40 mg/dLLess than 50 mg/dL
A safe level of LDLLess than 100 mg/dLLess than 100 mg/dL
Total cholesterol
AcceptableLess than 170 mg/dL
Borderline170 – 199 mg/dL
High200 mg/dL or more

What happens if your cholesterol reading does not fit within the healthy bracket?

If the cholesterol test reveals that your blood cholesterol levels are normal, then congratulations and continue living a healthy life and partaking in a healthy diet.

If your cholesterol level is deranged, then don’t panic. It is possible to lower the levels with a few simple steps. All you need is determination and discipline. But if you do not take the appropriate action, then there is a high chance that heart disorders will set in.

Measures to take to lower cholesterol levels or prevent high cholesterol

A few lifestyle changes go a long way to improve your heart health:

1. Lower your saturated fat intake

Foods like red meat and full-fat dairy increase your cholesterol level. So make sure to consume these in moderation. Switch to double skimmed milk and dairy products. Try to replace red meat with lean meat like chicken or duck.

2. Do not consume trans fats

Trans Fats are mostly found in partially hydrogenated vegetable oils and have been banned by many countries. Trans Fats are present in margarine, fast foods, commercial bread and cookies. Remember, do not heat any cooking oil beyond its smoke point (the temperature at which oil begins to emit smoke).

3. Consume more Omega 3 fatty acids

Omega 3 fatty acids help in increasing your HDL i.e., good cholesterol level and have enormous health benefits. These healthy fats can be found in flax seeds, walnuts, oily fish like salmon, mackerel, herring, hilsa, etc. 

4. Increase your soluble fibre intake

Soluble fibre doesn’t let LDL deposit in the arteries. Consume whole fruits and beans, peas, oats, apples, pears every day.

5. Exercise

Brisk walking, jogging, skipping, cycling or swimming can do wonders for your heart. 30 minutes of exercise, 5 times a week, is highly recommended. 

6. Don’t smoke

When you give up smoking your HDL levels will improve. At the same time, your blood pressure will be brought under control and your blood circulation too will be enhanced.

7. Choose the right cooking oil

Try to use cold-pressed oil for cooking and baking because these do not contain trans fats. You can also consider ghee as a substitute. It contains plenty of monounsaturated Omega 3 fatty acids that are good for your heart. Avoid palm oil at all costs.

Also Read: What is Spirulina: Understanding the Research-Based Benefits and Uses

What happens if the cholesterol level is not brought under control?

Unchecked high levels of cholesterol can lead to several complications. Cholesterol is deposited in the form of plaque in the arteries. This leads to the hardening of arteries and high blood pressure. Since enough blood can’t reach your heart, it damages the musculature of the heart, eventually leading to a heart attack. 

The surest way to keep your cholesterol level in check is through a healthy lifestyle and regular cholesterol tests.

Also Read: Palm Oil: Is It Really Bad for You? An In-depth Look

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